Master View of Failed posts

Cherie Sharp

We'd like to be able to see all the failed posts on one master view. That way we don't have to rely on the email alerts or checking each account individually. We have a lot of workspaces and not enough of us, so we could task someone with reviewing the master view each day. While you're at it, would be great to see a master view of disconnected accounts by workspace, not by social media account name. THANKS


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Cherie Sharp

Please create a view of the agency workspaces that show all the failed posts. It would be much faster for us to review those rather than checking each individual workspace or relying on emails (which we don't seem to always get). THANKS SO MUCH!


Jake Carlson

Merged with: Dashboard view failed posts


Cherie Sharp

Please consider creating a dashboard where we can check for failed posts for all clients daily instead of relying on emails coming to individual project managers. It would be way more efficient and we could task people with being on top of that. Thank you!


Jake Carlson

Merged with: Agency view - failed posts


Jake Carlson

Post moved to this board


Jake Carlson

Status changed to: Under Review