Separate Content Title from Video Title

Daniel Skeen

This allow usage of names that more clearly describe content e.g. Video 1 (short version), Video 2 (long version) for keeping content organized in the Content Library while allowing separate end user oriented titles e.g. How Far Can the CYBERTRUCK Tow 11,000 LBS?!

This really becomes an issue in my experience with the current shared functionality of the Content Title field when you're using the exact same name for pieces of content of different lengths to conform with different platforms max time restrictions. It's basically impossible to tell which piece of content is which without clicking into them to look at the time lengths.


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Jake Carlson

Hi Daniel -- a new Content creation experience is in the works, and you'll be happy to hear that it includes separating out the title you see in the Content Library vs the Video Title posted to the platform.


Jake Carlson

Status changed to: In Progress