Workspace Groupings / Categories

Luke Denby

It would be nice to select different brand workspaces as default options to add to Brand Managers. So instead of setting up a new Brand Manager and manually selecting workspaces one at a time you could add a group of Brand Managers to Brands.
And when you are adding a new workspace you could select a category of Brand Managers to add to that brand instead of having to add the Brand Managers after brand setup.


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Luke Denby

It would be nice to select different brand workspaces as default options to add to Brand Managers. So instead of setting up a new Brand Manager and manually selecting workspaces one at a time you could add a group of Brand Managers to Brands.
And when you are adding a new workspace you could select a category of Brand Managers to add to that brand instead of having to add the Brand Managers after brand setup.


Jake Carlson

Merged with: Brand Manager Categories


Jake Carlson

This should be solved by our upcoming release of Workspace tags. Admins will have the ability to associate a user with a Workspace tag, giving them access to all Workspaces associated with that Workspace tag.


Ryan Born

Status changed to: In Progress


Ryan Born

Great idea, Luke! This will be addressed with the Workspace Grouping feature that is coming out soon.

Not only can you set default workspaces, but you can create any number of workspace groupings. Some examples could be grouping clients by industry or by service tier.

From there, you can choose which group(s) a user should have access to.